What should I do when the link in OneSearch doesn't go to the article?

In some cases, you will find an article in OneSearch where the link takes you to the database or publication website, rather than directly to the article. We know this happens in a few of our databases, including NewsBank and a few open-access resources.

Below are a few methods you can use to get to the article.

Find the article by publication date, volume and issue number

The publication website may include an issue or archive browsing feature.

  1. Look for the publication date, volume and issue number of the article in OneSearch.

    Article available online, date, issue highlighted

  2. Click on the Available Online or Available from link provided in the OneSearch to get back to the database or publication website.
  3. Look for Past Issues, Browse Issues, or an Archive feature to browse the issues by date, volume or issue number.

    Browse past issues

    Select issue

Search for the article by title

The database or publication website may include a search bar where you can search by title or keyword.

  1. From OneSearch copy the full or partial title.
  2. Click on the Available Online or Available from link provided in OneSearch to get back to the database or publication website.

    Article available online

  3. Paste the title into the search bar, often found in the middle or top right of the page.

    Newsbank article search

    Note that news articles are often published in multiple newspapers. If your initial search does not take you to the article, try clearing all filters and searching the entire database. You may find that the article is available from multiple news sources.

    Placing quotes around the title may help improve the accuracy of your search.

    Newsbank title search

Search for the article online

The article may be available for free online.

  1. From the OneSearch result copy the full title.

    Article available online

  2. Search the web for the article.
  3. Paste the title into the search bar with quotes around the title.

    For example: “Assessment of Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Bubble Tea Beverages Vended in Taiwan”

    Google search results

Chat with a librarian

Librarians are experts at finding resources. Click the Ask a Librarian icon in the OneSearch window to get support from a librarian 24/7. Even if we cannot locate the exact article, we can help you find additional resources to support your research needs.

Last Updated: May 24, 2022     Views: 928

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