How do I print from a computer in the library?

All print jobs will need to be released from your Los Rios PaperCut account.
Below are step by step directions for the most common way to print from library computers:

  1. Log in to a computer with your student ID (w#) and Los Rios password.
  2. Open the document, file, etc. you would like to print in the appropriate program; for example, Microsoft Word, Adobe, etc.
    • Note: Printing in a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, etc. from websites, Canvas, etc. often do not print properly. 
    • It is recommended to download the document/files you need to print FIRST and then print from the appropriate program.
  3. Select File > Print from program
  4. Library computer programs default to the library Black and White printers labeled “Library_Printers on arc…
    • If you would like to print in color, choose “Library_Printer_Color-PC on arc…
  5. Double check that all other print settings are correct for your needs.
  6. Click Print
  7. Double click the PaperCut Login shortcut from the library computer desktop.
    "How do I print" and "PaperCut Login" desktop icons
  8. Log in to your PaperCut account with your student ID (w#) and Los Rios password.
  9. In the menu on the left click on “Jobs Pending Release
  10. On the “Jobs Pending Release” screen you will see a list of jobs you have sent to be printed including information on:
    1. the submit time
    2. which printer(s) you sent to ("Library Printers "= Black and White. "Library Printers_Color" = color printer.)
    3. document type and partial title
    4. number of pages
    5. cost
  11. Click [print] in the “ACTION” column on the far right to release prints. 
    1. If printing Black and White (labeled “Library_Printers on arc…”) you will be prompted to pick one of the three printers in the library - it does not matter which one you choose.
    2. Once you click on the green printer name your print will be released.
  12. Library printers are across from the Circulation desk near the entrance to the library.

Make sure you don’t accidentally take someone else’s prints!

Last Updated: Nov 29, 2023     Views: 2237

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