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I am the only instructor at CRC who teaches this course and I'm feeling overwhelmed. Can you help?

It is understandable that you would feel overwhelmed. We have people to support you in both the search for possible resources and in putting the final deliverable(s) together. If you apply in the 2024/25 academic year, the goal is to try to complete your work by May 23, 2025 and begin using the material for fall 2025.

If you cannot finish this academic year, your project will be pushed to 2025/2026 and you must be ready to use your material by fall 2026. Those who apply in the 2025/2026 year will have just one year to complete work and you must be ready to use the material by fall 2026.

CC License

These questions and answers were written by Andi Adkins Pogue and are licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license unless otherwise noted.