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How do I share a link to a book or article from an EBSCO database?

Sharing links to EBSCO resources

To share a link to an article or ebook from an EBSCO database, search for and select the item you would like to share. A permalink is available from the results list or from the item's record. This link will work on and off campus. Off campus you will be prompted to login with your Los Rios login (wID and password) to view the item. 

Link from the results list

1. Search for the item

2. In the results list, select the Tools (three vertical dots) to the right of the title. 

3. Select "Share"

EBSCO tools menu arrow to share

4. Select "Create Link" and a URL will be generated.

EBSCO create link and copy to clipboard

5. Copy to clipboard

Link from the record

1. Search for and select the item

2. From the item's record, select the "Share" arrow in the upper right menu.  

EBSCO record tools menu

3. Select "Create Link" and a URL will be generated.

EBSCO create link and copy to clipboard

4. Copy to clipboard

The updated EBSCO interface also allows you to share search results. Grab the URL from the search bar to share the results of an EBSCO search. For individual item linking, it is recommended to use the share features described above. 

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