How do I pick up materials from library lockers?

You may pick up requested library books and equipment at the FLC Main Campus, El Dorado Center, and Rancho Cordova Center using contactless lockers.  The lockers are accessible 24/7 at FLC Main Campus and the El Dorado Center, and during business hours at the Rancho Cordova Center.

Select Pickup Location

If you would like to pick up your items at the FLC Main Campus lockers, select FLC Lockers as your pickup location.

Select pickup location

If you would like to pick up your requested items at the El Dorado Center lockers, select El Dorado Center as your pickup location, and give us a call at (530) 642-5695 to confirm.  

All deliveries to the Rancho Cordova Center will be available for pickup at the lockers in the Student Lounge during open business hours.

Ready for Pickup

When the library is ready to deliver your item to the locker, you will receive an email from Los Rios Libraries indicating that it will be available soon.  

When the item is ready for you to pickup from the locker, you will receive an email from with the subject line: Your Folsom Lake College item is ready!

In this email you will find an access code and a QR code.  Bring these codes with you when you come for pick-up.

The lockers have a touch screen and a QR code reader. You can either input the access code or scan the QR code you received, and your locker will open.  Once you've retrieved your item(s), please close the locker.

You will have 6 days to retrieve your items from the lockers, after which we will return the items to the library and delete the loan from your account.


FLC Main Campus

The FLC Lockers are available 24/7 and are located on the North side of Building FL-5, near the accessible parking area in Parking lot C.  FLC Map

Map showing route to FL-5 and Parking Lot C


El Dorado Center

The El Dorado Center Lockers are available 24/7 and are located outside Building B, across from the Student Lounge.  EDC Map

Rancho Cordova Center

The Rancho Cordova Center Lockers are available during open business hours and are located in the Student Lounge.  RCC Map


Please note that the lockers are quite tall.  If you need a locker that is accessible, please contact the library at (916) 608-6613, and we will make sure your library materials are placed in a locker you can reach. 

Luxer One

To provide locker services, the library has contracted with a third party, Luxer Corporation.

When you make a request for locker pickup, the Library provides your name, email address, phone number, and Los Rios user ID to Luxer so that it can send you notifications via email and (if desired) text message.

To use the lockers, you must accept accept Luxer One's terms of service. You may review these in advance at the Luxer One website.

If you do not want Luxer to receive this information, you should not use the lockers and may opt to pick up your library items in-person during regular library hours.

Answered By: Amy Brinkley
Last Updated: Aug 19, 2024 Views: 628

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