Step 1: Find the book
Your instructor may provide you with a link to the book in OneSearch or you may use the textbook search to find the textbook for your class. Once you find the book you need, click to view the record.
Step 2: See the Availability
If the book is available in digital or ebook format, the "View Online" section will display. Sign in using your wID and password to see if you can access the digital book. (Note: Any physical/print copies of the book will show below in the "Get It" section. Use the request sign in at the bottom to request to borrow a print book.)
After you sign in the digital availability will display.
Step 3: Borrow the Digital Book
Click the Digital book link to borrow the book or add yourself to the waitlist if the book is already in use. (Note: The loan period and available copies are highlighted in the example below.)
Note: If the book is in use, you will have the opportunity to add yourself to the waitlist and be notified when the book is available.
Answered By: Becky (she/her)
Last Updated: Oct 21, 2024 Views: 181