How do we count internal use of books and items not circulated, such as reference books?


Internal Count Use

Items such as reference books that are used by patrons within the library but not circulated can be counted in Alma.

  1. From the main menu, select Fulfillment > Return Items
  2. Scan barcode into the Returns field

An information table will appear listing the title, return date, barcode, next step, and owned by library. Next Step will state the item needs to be reshelved, and a pop-up will appear with the message: "Item is not on loan."

The internal use has been counted in the system. The data can them be aggregated and retrieved in Analytics.

Each count use scan is noted in the item's History, under the radio button selection of Fulfillment Activities. Action type is displayed as "In house use."


  • Last Updated Feb 26, 2020
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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