How do I view or update a patron record?


Viewing a Patron (user)

There are several ways you can find patrons in the system:  

Manage Patron Services

Note: This search is recommended to view or perform fulfillment activities on the patron's record. 

Start at Fulfillment > Checkout/Checkin > Manage Patron Services       

Screenshot of Alma menu to locate Manage Patron Services function                                  

1) Scan a barcode, and clicking Go

2) Entering a wID number, and clicking Go OR

3) Searching for a patron’s name from a list (enter last name or first name and wait about 2 seconds for a list of similar names will be generated for you to choose from) - select the appropriate user from the list and hit Go

From the patron record you can get a quick overview of the account at the top of the screen including user group, fines owed, and user notes.  The bottom part of the screen provides information about loans, returns, and requests. This screen also provides the option to edit User information and place a request for the patron at the desk.

At the end of the row actions list is a “…” button, which will display a list of actions that can be completed on the individual item.  

User Search

Note: This search is recommended to view the full patron record including contact information, blocks, fines, and notices.

The User Search is available from the persistent search bar at the top of the Alma page. Search for users by their wID, name, etc. This search will display the full patron record. 

screenshot of Alma user search

Select the relevant tab for the information that you need to view.

screenshot of user record to select the tab

Updating patron records

On the Alma home page, search for the user using one of the methods described above. 

Select the “…” button and choose Edit. OR On the Patron Services page, select the Edit User Info link.

Then select Full Information

  • Select Identifiers tab.
  • Select +Add Identifier.  Use drop down menu to select Barcode as Identifier Type. 
  • Scan patron barcode in Value* window.  Click Add and Close
  • Alma closes the window and displays the patron barcode in the identifier tab. Select Save button.

Note: Contact information on the user's record is based on PeopleSoft Records. Encourage users to update contact information through eServices if needed. 

  • Last Updated Mar 24, 2020
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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