How do I mark an item as "Missing" in Alma?


Note: Items that are not in place (e.g. in a process such as missing or a work order), this first method will not work. See Marking In-Transit Items Missing below.

  1. Search in the Institution Zone (IZ) by Physical Title

    Screenshot of Alma displaying search for cheese and first results

  2. Locate the item and expand the Holdings/Items with the little arrow. Click Items.​ ​

    Screenshot of Alma holdings for the Stinky Cheese Man

  3. Locate which item you want to mark missing and click the row actions menu (ellipsis).

    Screenshot of Alma items with action menu

  4. Click Toggle Missing Status in the action menu.

    This will change the Status to Item not in place and the Process Type to Missing. You are done.

    Screenshot of Alma item showing missing status

Marking Requested Items Missing

Items which have been requested and are showing on the Pick from Shelf list can also be marked as missing. In this case, the request will move to other available holdings, or if none are available the patron will be notified that the request has been canceled.

Marking In-Transit Items Missing

To mark an item missing that is in transit or otherwise "in process", you need to search for the request, not the item.

  1. In Alma, switch the search index to Requests.
  2. Paste the barcode or MMS Id in to the search box and search.

    Request search index set to All with barcode pasted in

    The request (such as transit request) involving the item should come up as the result.

  3. Click the More Actions menu and select Mark as Missing

    Mark as Missing selected from More Actions

  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2024
  • Views 2915
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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