How do I get to Alma?


To log in to Alma, it's important to use the correct URL. Library Technicians and others who sign in to Alma regularly to get their work done will use a special URL that sends them through the Los Rios single-sign-on (SSO) page. Student workers and anyone else who use shared logins will visit the "internal" Alma login page.

The following URL provides access to both logins:

The direct SSO URL is:

The direct internal Alma login URL is:

You should create bookmarks or shortcuts to either of these URLs on any computer you use regularly. However, you need to be sure that the correct URL is in the bookmark.

One way to do this is to bookmark the page, then edit the bookmark by copying and pasting one of the above URLs into the correct place in the bookmark.


  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2024
  • Views 138
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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