How do I relink a portfolio from a Community Zone bib record to a Network Zone bib record?


EBSCO ebooks that are ordered using the GOBI API are placed in the Community Zone-linked EBSCO eBook Collection (CZ Collection ID 61111000211069000). CZ bibliographic records can be identified by the presence of (CKB) in the 035 field, indicating the record is from the Community Knowledge Base maintained by Ex Libris, and by the Community icon next to the title. In some cases, the CZ record will be inaccurate or incomplete, so you will wish to link the portfolio to a more appropriate WorldCat record.

In the portfolio editor, you will see a button reading Relink to another bibliographic record. That process requires more steps and may result in unlinked inventory or PO lines, so is not recommended. Instead, take the following steps to substitute an NZ record for the CZ record.

  1. Locate or create an appropriate record in Connexion, export it to the NZ, and note the OCLC number.
  2. Open the CZ bib record in the Metadata Editor (MDE).
  3. In the MDE, go to Record Actions and select Copy to Catalog. This creates an unlinked IZ record, which you will modify next.

    Copy to Catalog dialog in the Metadata Editor

  4. In your newly unlinked IZ record, delete all 035 fields except for the first one that includes an OCLC number. Remove everything after (OCoLC). If no 035 field for OCLC exists, Add Field and include 035 $$a (OCoLC)
  5. Add the new OCLC number after 035 $$a (OCoLC).
  6. Save the record.
  7. Share the IZ record with the NZ by going to Record Actions > Share with Network (new MDE) or File > Share with Network (old MDE). You will be prompted with the following message: 
    Matched record/s exist in the catalog, do you want to view them before saving? Select Yes

    You will see the existing NZ record open in a split screen in the MDE.

  8. Select Link to merge your IZ record with the appropriate NZ record.

    Link to matching record

The IZ record is now linked to the NZ record. Note that it can take some time for the record that displays in the IZ to update its MARC display. However, you can confirm that the link is active by viewing the bib in Alma and clicking the NZ icon to see the linked record.


  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2024
  • Views 1293
  • Answered By Amy Brinkley

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