How can I set different reshelving times for different locations?


In Alma we can set reshelving times that apply when, for instance, a returned book is checked in (scanned in) at the circulation desk. During the reshelving period, Primo VE shows the item as available but adds a note that it is being reshelved until whatever time we've configured in Alma. The idea here is that patrons should be informed that if they go to the shelf to look, the item might not be there yet because it was just recently checked in.

The default reshelving time is set in Configuration (your library) – Fulfillment – Library Management - Circulation Desks  - Edit Circulation Desk – Time to reshelve (hours). Our initial configuration here was 2. Adjust this as needed for your default value, based on how long it normally takes for checked-in items to get reshelved.

You can’t set time to reshelve per-location here. If you don't do any further configuration, then any item from a location served by a circ desk that is scanned in to that same circ desk will be set to two hours reshelving.

However, as so often in Alma, there’s a more complicated but doable way to configure exceptions. This is desirable with e.g. reserve items. Since they are housed at the circ desk, they will in reality be available quite quickly after being scanned in. So it would be better for them to have a reshelving time of e.g. 5 or 10 minutes.

To set different reshelving times for particular locations, you need to configure a rule at the institution level. Go to Configuration (Los Rios) – Fulfillment – Library Management – Reshelve without Transit Rules.

As you might expect, there are a bunch of parameters to set. You'll see there are several rules already set; examine them and tweak as needed. You can duplicate an existing rule as an easy way to start. For values less than one hour, use a fraction, e.g. 0.1 for 6 minutes.


  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2023
  • Views 275
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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