What MARC fields should be reviewed in non-DLC print records?


The following fields should be reviewed for all non-DLC print bibliographic records.  If the fields are missing or inaccurate, please give the book to your cataloging librarian(s) to enhance the record appropriately.

To review any record in Alma, click on the title to open the record viewer or select Edit Record to open the Metadata Editor (MDE).

Cataloging Language

  • Verify that the language of cataloging is English. There should be a value of eng in the 040$b. If no 040$b exists, the language of cataloging is assumed to be English.
  • If a language code other than eng is in the 040$b, the book should be reviewed by a cataloger.

Record Number 

  • Verify that an OCLC number is present in the 035 field.
Call Number 
  • Verify that there is a call number in the 050.

Main Entry 

  • 1XX - Author, if present
  • 245 - Title and statement of responsibility
  • The statement of responsibility, 245$c, is a core element. If it’s missing, please place the book on the review shelf. 
  • 250 - Edition, if present
  • 26X - Publication information
Physical Description
  • 300 - Number of pages and height/width dimensions.  
Carrier Type
  • Verify that the value in 338$a is volume​.  This will confirm that the record is for a print book.​
LC Subject Headings
  • Verify that at least one LC subject heading (6XX, second indicator 0) is present. 
Name Headings
  • Check name headings by ensuring that a binoculars icon is present directly to the left of each of the fields below. Only check the fields, if present in the record, that have the second indicator value noted below:
    • 100, 110, 111 (any second indicator)
    • 700, 710, 711 (any second indicator)
    • 600, 610, 611 (second indicator 0)
  • If the field is missing a binoculars icon, place the book on the Cataloging Review shelf with a note reading simply “name heading”.



  • Last Updated Mar 24, 2022
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Amy Brinkley

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