How do I send an internal message to another Librarian on LOL Chat?


When you are logged into Libchat, you can communicate with other librarians who are also online. This can be helpful to ask a quick question or let them know your status (e.g. if you need to restart your computer and will be offline).

Internal Message to an Individual

To send a direct message, click on the name of the operator you want to communicate with.

A chat window will open and any past messages will display. 

Type your message and select "Send Message."

internal message example

(Note: If your message indicates you'll be offline, it may be helpful to send a follow-up when you are back.)

Internal Message to all Los Rios Librarians

It's possible to message all Los Rios Library chat operators ("All Staff") at one time. Keep in mind that these messages may be viewed after the fact by any Los Rios chat operator. These messages only display when logged into LibChat.

This functionality may be good to use for large-scale or time-sensitive notifications (ex. database outage, unexpected library closure, etc.).  This function is also good when you need to tap into collective knowledge of librarians (e.g. a policy question). 

To send an "All Staff" message, select the All Los Rios Community College District Staff. 

Internal chat interface with arrow to All Los Rios Community College District Staff button

Type your message and submit

Reminder: Since messages stay on this board, it may be helpful to post a resolution to a question after the fact for the benefit of all librarians (e.g. database now online; here's where I found the policy information.)


  • Last Updated Apr 26, 2022
  • Views 74
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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