Where do I refer questions about Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) or report a problem with a CDL title?
As the Los Rios Libraries get started with Controlled Digital Lending, many individuals may be involved in preparing digital titles. Refer basic questions to the systems librarian at your college. If you notice something wrong with a digital title such as a file not displaying well or labeled incorrectly, here are options for reporting the problem.
In OneSearch
If you are viewing a digital book from OneSearch and notice any problems, you may use the Report a Problem feature to report the issue. The problem report will be funneled to the library that created the digital representation to be addressed.
In Alma
Titles that are designated for Controlled Digital Lending will show in Alma with a digital representation associated with a Bib record. Digital representations will show from an "All Titles" search or from a "Digital Titles" search in Alma.
If you have an issue or question related to a digital representation, please contact the Library that created that representation. You can find this information by clicking on the Digital Representation (See below for necessary Alma roles). (Note: If you select the digital representation, you will be taken into the digital representation resource editor. If you select, "all representations" you will see a list of any representations for the title.)
On the General Information tab, you will see the Library that the digital representation is associated with. On the History tab, you will see the ID number of the staff member to created or last updated the representation. Contact that individual with details of any issues noted with the digital file.
Roles necessary: Digital Inventory Operator or Digital Inventory Operator Extended