What's the best strategy for when we're being spammed with inappropriate chats?


Librarians treat our chat and email users with respect and expect the same in return. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior would include, but not be limited to, the following conduct or behaviors:

  • Spamming or flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text) as it disrupts the flow of services provided to other users.
  • Using inappropriate language that in any way looks like, sounds like, or you would characterize as any of the following: profanity, sexual content, explicit language, inappropriate references to sexual preferences, or offensive remarks (such as racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual).

If a Los Rios Librarian experiences this type of behavior when working on chat, they can immediately block the user's IP address to stop the inappropriate behavior. To block an IP address, from within a chat select the block icon, add a reason, and confirm the IP block. 

lol chat operator with arrows to block and confirm block IP address

After blocking the IP address, please report the incident and chat transcript number to your library's LOL Chat coordinator. The chat coordinator will determine any follow up actions needed. 


  • Last Updated Oct 21, 2022
  • Views 75
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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