How do we mark Los Rios-affiliated authors in Alma/OneSearch?


We have defined a local extension in Alma for this purpose. The extension includes subfields to clarify the person's relationship to college(s) and the work. This local extension has been configured in the "Manage display and local fields" area of Alma. An AngularJS component has been developed in our customization package that adds a "badge" to the brief display and, in the full display, also shows a brief statement.

Standards for the data are shared on a Google Doc, linked to below.

Primo VE Normalization Rule

The strategy here is to create a JSON-like string that will be easy for JavaScript to parse as an object. Here is the rule:

rule "Primo VE - Lds09"
       MARC is "988"."a" AND 
             MARC."988"."a" match "lrcreator"
       set TEMP"1" to MARC."988" subfields "n"
       set TEMP"2" to MARC."988" subfields "r"
       set TEMP"3" to MARC."988" subfields "c"
       set TEMP"4" to MARC."988" subfields "p"
       set TEMP"5" to MARC."988" subfields "s"
       set TEMP"6" to MARC."988" subfields "u"
       set TEMP"7" to MARC."988" subfields "v"
       add suffix (TEMP"1","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"1","\"crName\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"2","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"2","\"role\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"3","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"3","\"college\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"4","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"4","\"position\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"5","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"5","\"currency\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"6","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"6","\"url\":\"")
       add suffix (TEMP"7","\"")
       add prefix (TEMP"7","\"deceased\":\"")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"2",",")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"3",",")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"4",",")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"5",",")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"6",",")
       concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"7",",")

       add suffix (TEMP"1","}")
       add prefix (TEMP"1","{\"lrcreator\":\"lrcreator\",")

       create pnx."display"."lds09" with TEMP"1"

So as an example, this rule transforms the following field:

988	##$alrcreator $nGioia Fonda $cscc $pArt professor $rartist $scurrent $u $9local

Into this PNX data:

"lds09" : [ "{\"lrcreator\":\"lrcreator\",\"crName\":\"Gioia Fonda\",\"role\":\"artist\",\"college\":\"scc\",\"position\":\"Art professor\",\"currency\":\"current\",\"url\":\"\"}" ]


In the custom.js file, this object is parsed and made into two different blocks: a "badge"-like icon that shows in brief results and full display, and, if enough data is supplied, a blurb that shows near the book jacket and title in the full display. For the latter, syntax is varied depending on the demands of the data, a link shows if a URL has been supplied, etc.

Brief results showing Los Rios Author badges
Brief results
Full display showing book with blurb, Jodi Angel is a former English professor at Sacramento City College.
Full display
  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2024
  • Views 162
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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