What are the configuration changes needed in Alma in the event of an emergency library closure?
In the event of an emergency library closure prior to the start of the semester, the Systems librarian should adjust the library's calendar to reflect the closure.
In the event of an emergency library closure in the middle of a semester where services are already in progress, the closed library's Systems librarian should make the following Alma configuration changes to
- prevent loans from becoming overdue.
- update hold requests and update patrons on the delayed status of their requests.
- turn off requesting from the closed library.
- prevent patrons using the closed library as a delivery location for requests.
Update Due Dates
Go to Fulfillment – Advanced Tools - Loans – Bulk Change Due Dates
Be sure to select the Library, otherwise the Location drop-down won't activate. Fill in the relevant dues dates, the new due date, the patron group and relevant location. Click "Bulk Change Due Date." The job will run.
If you wish to update specific user groups/locations, you must run the job more than once. To see what user groups/locations need to be updated, go to the Overdue tab of the Circulation Dashboard in Alma Configuration.
Update Holds/Requests
Pick from Shelf
Reach out to all patrons with pending requests on the "Pick from shelf" via email to update them on the library closure. Provide alternative options of where they can access needed materials. Refer to a librarian for research assistance as needed. Feel free to use this email template developed by CRC (change links to be for your library).
Active Hold Shelf
Update the Expiration date of active requests on the library's holdshelf.
If the library uses lockers for delivery of requested materials, use the "Hold Package" function in Building Manager to extend pickup windows as needed.
Turn Off Requesting From Closed Library
Configuring: Los Rios Community College District
Go to Configuration – Fulfillment – Physical Fulfillment – Fulfillment Units.
In the Code column, click the name of the Fulfillment Unit you wish to edit to get to the Edit Fulfillment Unit page.
Select "Fulfilment Unit Rules" from the menu, select Rule Type "Request."
Depending on the Fulfillment rules in the unit, adjust to no longer allow requesting from the collections at the closed library.
- Example 1: In Circulation the default request rule allows requests for all locations. Add a request rule for the locations in the closed library to does not allow requesting. Make sure that the exception rule is ordered above the default rule.
- Example 2: In Reserves, requesting is allowed only for certain locations. Removed closed library locations from this rule.
Turn Off Delivery to Closed Library
To turn off delivery, you have to remove the relationship in all the other libraries' configuration.
Go to Configuration – Narrow to library – Fulfillment – Library Management – Relationships
Configuring: Each Library
Uncheck "Deliver to" for the closed library. Save the change.
Repeat process in all libraries' configurations.