Can students see their loan history?


Students and employees can see their previous loans by signing into OneSearch and going into the Loans section of their library account. To see previous loans, switch the dropdown from Active loans to Previous and historic loans.

Previous loans dropdown in My Libarary Account

But it is important to note that the list they see may not be complete. When a user returns an item, the next time that item is loaned out, the first user's loan is anonymized, so at that point the user will no longer see this item in their loan history. Staff will also not see it in Alma.

This means that, for current, non-expired users, staff have no more access to this information that the user does. So if a user wants to see it, the best thing is to ask them to sign into OneSearch.

Users with expired accounts will not be able to view their library account in OneSearch. In this case, if there is a need for this information, staff can look for it in Alma. Note that circulation records are protected by FERPA, so this information should not be shared with anyone except the user themselves.

  • Last Updated May 05, 2023
  • Views 81
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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