When and how are materials suppressed from discovery in OneSearch?


Suppression by location

Whole locations can be suppressed. This is done in the Physical Locations area of Alma configuration for the particular library. Note that when an item has a suppressed location as its permanent location, and you set a temporary location that is not suppressed, the item will no longer be suppressed. The converse is also true: if you set an un-suppressed item to a temporary location that is suppressed, the item will be suppressed so long as the temporary location is set. (Note: temporary locations must also have Item is in temporary location set to Yes for the temporary location to be active.)

Suppression by bibliographic record

Bib records can be suppressed in the Metadata Editor, Record Actions. However, we rarely suppress bibs and if you think of doing it, please be sure you have read the rest of this answer and that another method is not more appropriate. Since we share bib records, suppressing at the bib level can cause problems, e.g. if one library did not want it suppressed. So this should really only be done for bibs that are held by a single library, or when the libraries have all agreed that the bib should be suppressed.

Suppression by holdings record

Holdings records can be suppressed in the Metadata Editor, Record Actions. This is a great way to go if you want all items under a particular holding to be suppressed, but they are not in a suppressed location.

Suppression by item

It is not possible to suppress items per se. However, items in our system are suppressed if they are in particular statuses (process types):

  • Acquisition
  • Missing
  • Lost
  • Lost and paid

This configuration is found in the Exclude Process Types from Publishing table.

Suppression by electronic portfolio or digital representation

When  you set an electronic portfolio or digital representation to inactive / unavailable, it will be suppressed.

In addition, if an electronic portfolio has group settings applied, or is a portfolio with a service that has group settings applied, then it will be suppressed from Primo VE views that are not associated with groups it is available to.

Note, in both the above cases the record may still be viewable if you remove the search_scope and tab parameters from the URL. However, in regular usage (i.e. searches executed via OneSearch) these parameters will always be present.

Effects of suppression

  • Suppressed items do not appear in the Get It area of Primo VE.
  • Items under suppressed holdings records do not appear in Get It, unless they are in an un-suppressed temporary location.
  • Suppressed electronic portfolios and digital representations do not appear in View It.
  • When a bib contains no un-suppressed inventory, the bib is itself suppressed, i.e. it will not appear in OneSearch results. (So, again: it will rarely be necessary to suppress a bib record.)

    Note that, after the bib's inventory becomes fully inactive, the bib might not be suppressed from discovery for 20 minutes, or sometimes longer.

  • Electronic bibs that include only inactive portfolios are not included in our Browzine/LibKey publishing job.
  • Suppression of physical items does not prevent requesting per se. If a bib includes both un-suppressed and suppressed inventory, users will be able to request the suppressed inventory if our fulfillment policies allow it. We have put into place fulfillment unit request rules that prevent lost and "in acquisition" inventory from being requested, and enabled a configuration option to prevent requests on missing inventory (Fulfillment - General - Other Settings - missing_item_requestable = false). In the case of suppressed physical locations, if you want the locations to not be requestable, you will need to include them in a non-requestable fulfillment unit or employ an alternative strategy to prevent or limit requests.
  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2023
  • Views 296
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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