How do we figure out why a particular e-resource link is showing in OneSearch?


In order to report and resolve problems with electronic resources, the first step is normally to determine why the resource is appearing as available in OneSearch. Electronic resources appear either because of portfolios that are active in our Alma repository or because of Central Discovery Index (CDI) database-type electronic collections that are active in Alma.

This difference is important. We have much more control over portfolios in our repository than over CDI-sourced linking. For instance, we can override journal coverage or change linking information. We can deactivate a portfolio, which will result in the full-text link no longer appearing. With CDI-sourced linking, we have much less control. Even if we deactivate a CDI collection, it may take up to 72 hours for the index to be updated in OneSearch.

Display CTO bookmarklet

The Display CTO bookmarklet adds a link to the record. When you click this link, you get an XML display showing some information about the record and a bunch of information about the ViewIt service, where the full-text links are located. If the problem link is from a portfolio, you will see the portfolio ID, the name and ID of the electronic collection, and various information about the portfolio (e.g. coverage) and full-text service. You will be able to use this portfolio-specific information to figure out how to further troubleshoot and report.

Note that you might see more portfolios listed on the CTO display than appear in OneSearch View It. Look for a line that reads <u:key id="Filtered">true</u:key>--this indicates that the portfolio is related to the record but didn't show a full-text link. A reason normally follows. The two most common reasons are that the portfolio's coverage doesn't include the date of the article or that we have display logic in place that prevents the link from showing.

To add the Display CTO bookmarklet, drag the following button (don't click it on this page!) to your bookmarks toolbar:

Display CTO

If you don't see portfolios listed in the CTO display for an electronic resource, this indicates that the link is coming from CDI. The info in the CTO display is not helpful in figuring out why a CDI resource is displaying. For this we need a different tool.

CDI Activation Analysis bookmarklet

The CDI Activation Analysis bookmarklet adds a link to the full display that leads to the CDI Activation Analysis Tool. Click the link and then on the page it links to click the Start Analysis button. The tool searches the CDI holdings associated with the Primo VE view and tells us why this particular record is showing a full-text link. The process is slow. In the table that results, look for any rows that show Activation Type as Full Access and Full Text Linking as Yes. If you see that combination, it means that the database listed in that row is the source of a full-text link in the record. Note the value in the row's first column, DBID, can be used to search Alma for the e-collection.

To add the CDI Activation Analysis bookmarklet, drag the following button (don't click it on this page!) to your bookmarks toolbar:

CDI Activation Analysis

Note: the bookmarklet code Ex Libris provides is a bit odd--it adds the jQuery library to the page before running, despite the fact that the code does not rely upon jQuery. So I've simplified it here.

  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2024
  • Views 259
  • Answered By Jeff Karlsen

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