When a returned item is damaged, how do I apply a fee in Alma?


If the returned item was not in “lost” status:

  1. Scan in the returned item.
  2. Go to user record
  3. Fines/fees tab
  4. Add fine / fee – dialog
    1. Fee type: Damaged item replacement fee
    2. Library: Your Library
    3. Fee amount: Replacement cost from the item record. (Unless the library has determined it should be different.)
    4. Item barcode
    5. Add comments as needed. (Note: Comments will be viewable to the user.)

After updating the patron record, follow your library’s processes for damaged inventory (e.g. technology work order, mending status, withdrawal etc.).

If the returned item was in “lost” status

  1. Scan in the returned item.
  2. Go to user record
  3. Fines/fees tab (filter to Transferred fees)
    1. Waive the item replacement fee (Reason code: Lost item was found)
  4. Add fine / fee – dialog
    1. Fee type: Damaged item replacement fee
    2. Library: Your Library
    3. Fee amount: Replacement cost from the item record. (Unless the library has determined it should be different.)
    4. Item barcode
    5. Add comments as needed. (Note: Comments will be viewable to the user.)

Note regarding blocks: If the patron has an Alma in place, you may leave it active. If there is no Alma block in place, a nightly process will add a block to a user who owes fees. 

  • Last Updated May 10, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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