How can I find textbooks on reserve for my classes?

You can check for textbooks on reserve for your courses by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Textbooks link on the Library home page, or click Textbooks at the top of this page
  2. Enter any or all of the following information. If you are not sure of any of them, leave the corresponding field blank:
    • Select the department of your course (example: English Writing (ENGWR))
    • Enter the course number (example: 300)
    • Enter the instructor's last name (example: Abe)
  3. Click the Find It button.

If the Library has placed a copy of the course textbook on reserve, it will display with a message showing its availability, including the call number.

Note, in some cases a book might not be properly listed under its course even though we do have it. So, if you don't find your textbook using the method listed above, then try clicking New Search at the top of the screen and enter the textbook's exact title as a keyword search.

Some textbooks, such as those on 7-day reserve and certain textbooks that are offered for full-semester loan, can be requested online. But most are only available first-come, first-served at the library circulation desk. For these, write down the call number and bring it to the circulation desk.

Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025     Views: 728


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