How do I borrow a laptop or Chromebook from the Library?

The Library provides a limited number of Chromebooks, Windows laptops, and MacBooks for semester-long or in some cases short-term loan. Some of these may be requested online and others are first-come, first-served at the Circulation Desk.


Chromebooks are great for web-based work. If you are primarily using your web browser to access Canvas and online services such as Google Docs, Chromebooks should work well for you. Chromebooks are typically very light and have good battery life.

You may request Chromebooks in advance by signing in to OneSearch and clicking the Request button.

View Library Chromebooks.


If you need to use more specialized applications that run on the computer rather than on the web, you will benefit from using a laptop with the Windows or Mac operating system. Our Windows laptops run Windows 11.

These laptops may not be requested in advance. You can use OneSearch to check whether laptops are currently available, but availability is first-come, first-served.

Before you borrow one of these laptops, you must sign a supplemental laptop borrowing form in which you agree that, among other things, you are required to return it when it falls due and that if you lose or damage the laptop, you will be responsible for paying a replacement fee.

To sign the agreement and check out a Windows or Mac laptop, come to the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor of the Learning Resource Center.

View Library Windows and Mac laptops.


SCC offers technology support for students via the Student Tech Support Desk. If you have questions about how to use the device, please contact this desk!

Last Updated: Aug 31, 2024     Views: 5252

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