If you completed the Library tutorial in Canvas this semester...
- Complete the quiz associated with the tutorial in the Canvas course.
- After you achieve a passing score on the quiz, the next module will unlock which contains the certificate for the module that you just passed.
- You can download or print the certificate of completion from that page. Certificates will be in .jpg format.
If you completed PILOT in Canvas before the current semester...
- You may need to visit the previous Canvas tutorial course. This course should show in your Canvas course menu. It will be labeled with the academic year that it covers.
- For students who completed the Library tutorials before fall 2023, it is highly recommended that you complete the current tutorial modules. The modules have been extensively revised and improved.
Have questions or need help? Contact Librarian Karen Tercho [terchok@scc.losrios.edu] for assistance with PILOT.
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2024 Views: 37