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When and where can I pick up a request from the CRC Library?
Library Lockers
The library uses lockers for all pick-ups to provide a safe, contact free method of accessing our collection!
How to use the lockers
You will receive an email from LuxerOne, the locker company. In this email you will find a code and a QR code.
The lockers have a touch screen and a QR code reader. You can either input the code or scan the QR code you received, and your locker will open. Please shut the locker after you take your library item!
Times and Location
The lockers are available Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm and Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. The lockers will be be locked up at all other times.
The library lockers are located in the Business and Social Science (BS) building near the Disabled Support Programs and Services office in room BS-104. The area is enclosed and labeled on the map below.
Please note that the lockers are very tall! If you need a locker that is accessible, please contact the library at, and we will make sure your library materials are placed in a locker you can reach.
Luxer One
To provide locker services, the library has contracted with a third party, Luxer Corporation.
When you make a request for locker pickup, the Library provides your name, email address, phone number, and Los Rios user ID to Luxer so that it can send you notifications via email and (if desired) text message.
To use the lockers, you must accept accept Luxer One's terms of service. You may review these in advance at the Luxer One website.
Related FAQs
How to find out if CRC library has the textbook for your class
Contact the CRC Library
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