How do I track and fix items that are stuck in transit between libraries?


Items Stuck in Transit Between Libraries

Patron Physical Item requests (aka intercampus loans) are set to "transit" status when they move between the Alma libraries. Occasionally, items remain stuck in transit well beyond the expected number of days for traveling between locations. These items may have been misplaced, sent to the incorrect location, or not scanned in at the receiving location.

Circulation desks and systems administrators should monitor items that are left in transit a long time. Here are the steps to monitor and resolve these items. Staff should contact their library's system administrator with questions.

First, add the Alma widget labeled "Items Stuck in Transit" to your Alma homepage. This widget includes an Analytics report and spreadsheet. Note: Remember that Analytics reports are not real time. Updates performed later than 4:00 pm on the previous day may not be reflected on the report.

Screen shot of Alma adding a widget screen

Reviewing and Resolving Items Stuck in Transit

Who: Circulation staff at each location

When: Weekly (on Tuesdays)

  1. Open the Alma widget to review the items stuck in transit.
  2. For each of the items on the list, open the item record to check the current status of the item to make sure it is still in transit (remember Analytics data is not real-time).
  3. Check your shelves/bags/desks for the items.
  4. Open the Items Stuck in Transit spreadsheet.
  5. If you are the first location to perform the update for the week, add the title, barcode, and call number of the items on the spreadsheet.
  6. Under your location's column, record the following:
    • If not found, indicate the item is not on your shelves (NOS), your initials, and the date checked: NOS, EB, 030920.
    • If found, indicate the action taken (ex. scanned in to holdshelf, or sent to other campus), your initials, and the date: Found, sent to ARC, EB, 030920.
      • If found, highlight the spreadsheet line for the item as green so that other libraries know the item has been found and resolved.
      • Resolve the item:
        • If the item was meant to arrive at your location, scan it in.
        • If the item was meant to arrive at a different location, place it in the correct blue bag, and note on the spreadsheet where it has been sent.
    • If you mark an item missing in Alma, please remove it from the spreadsheet.

System Administrators Clean-up

Who: System administrator or designated SA

When: Monthly

  1. Review the Items Stuck in Transit spreadsheet.
  2. Follow up with locations regarding items that are unresolved. (ex. Have all locations indicated that they checked for an item, etc.).
  3. Clear out all resolved titles from the sheet.
  • Last Updated Dec 05, 2024
  • Views 2404
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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