How do I check in an item and place it in "mending" status?


If an item has been checked out by a patron and it needs to go to mending status when it is returned, here is how you set the work order status to mending. Note: This process is in use by CRC/FLC for handling laptop returns with IT review. 

Check In the Item

First complete the checkin process. Make sure that your location is at the Circulation Desk. 

Alma homepage with arrow to location settings

Go to Fulfillment, Return items, and scan the barcode in. This will close the loan on the patron's account. 

Returns screen in Alma

After the item is checked in, you can set the item to Mending following the steps below. 


Set the Item in Mending Status

To set an item into a work order status like "Mending", change your location to Acquisitions/Technical Services. 

Alma location set to acq/tech services

Go to Fulfillment, Scan In items:

acqts fulfillment menu with arrow to scan in

Select the status that you need to set the item into and scan in the barcode.

Scan in screen with arrows to set status and scan barcode


Here are instructions on how to move an item out of "Mending" status. 

  • Last Updated Nov 07, 2024
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Emily Bond

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