How do I assign PILOT to my students?

Instructors assign one or more PILOT modules according to the relevancy of each module to their course content. Most instructors build an Assignment/Quiz in Canvas where students are asked to upload the certificate for each module assigned.

There is a hyperlink to place in your Canvas course that will take students directly to the self-enroll button to the PILOT course. Although we change PILOT's Canvas shell each academic year, the link that you use to send students directly to PILOT does not change. That link is You may instead opt to send students to the Library webpage that describes PILOT and provides the link to self-enroll.

Example assignment in Modules view

PILOT Tutorial: What is Research? Example quiz

Example assignment set-up in your Canvas course

PILOT assignment 10 points file upload jpg format

Example assignment directions

PILOT Library Research Tutorials

Your next assignment is to complete an online tutorial in Canvas. The tutorial is part of the SCC Library Tutorials, also known as PILOT. PILOT is a great way to learn more about the hows and whys of doing academic research.

You will enroll in PILOT and it will appear as part of your Canvas classes. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Read a short summary about PILOT on the SCC Library website.
  2. From the SCC Library website, follow the link to self-enroll in PILOT.
  3. Complete module 1, "What Is Research?"
    • Each PILOT module will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete. Each module includes a quiz. Take and earn a 75% or higher on the quiz within each module to earn your certificate of completion.
  4. Download the certificate for the module on the certificate page (the download will be a jpg file).
  5. Upload your certificate of completion to complete this assignment and earn 10 points.
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2024     Views: 41

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