Why do I see a library fee in eServices? Why did I get an email from the Library about fees?

Library items are marked Lost a certain amount of time after they become overdue. Many items are marked lost after they are 10 days overdue, but some change to lost earlier than that.

Once the item is lost, you are responsible for paying the replacement cost.

If you are enrolled in the current term, check your Library Account to view the status of your current loans, and to see details of any fees that are owed.

Fee balance in My Account

If you are not enrolled in the current term, please call the Circulation Desk at (916) 558-2301 to ask for details about your fee.

If you still have the item that is associated with the fee, please return it promptly.  Once the item has been returned, you will no longer owe the replacement cost. If you don't return the item item, you are responsible for paying the replacement cost.

Last Updated: Aug 11, 2024     Views: 92


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