How do I manage holdshelf requests?
Picking items from shelf (paging slips)
When requests have been made for books in the local collection, there should be a notification in the Tasks Requiring your attention on the top bar of Alma. You can also find request items under Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Pick from Shelf.
The Pick From Shelf list may include patron requests as well as requests to move materials within the library. Use the filters on the left to filter only to Patron Physical Item requests.
Use the checkboxes to select the relevant pick slips, or select all. Click Print Slip. To handle multiple requests at one time, use the Print Slip Report.
Find the books in the appropriate location using the call number listed.
If the requested items are not available on the shelf, you can check to see if the request can be filled from another library and request that item for the patron. Mark the book as missing if applicable.
Scanning item to go on In Transit (or on hold shelf for local requests)
Once the items have been pulled from the shelf, in Alma, go to
Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Scan in items
As you scan each item, its record will be updated to show the process type Transit for those items going to other libraries and Hold Shelf for local requests.
- When items are received from other libraries, they should be scanned into Alma to change the Process type from Transit to Hold Shelf.
- This can be done from the "Return Items" or "Scan in Items" screens. Scan the barcode of the item.
- When the item is scanned, an email is sent to the requesting patron indicating that the item is available and how long the item will be ready for pickup.
Expired Hold Shelf
It is recommended that Library staff review both the Expired Hold Shelf and the Active Hold Shelf at least weekly to update any pending holds.
The items on the Expired Hold Shelf are sorted to the tabs along the top according to four criteria:
- Reshelve -- For local requests that can simply be reshelved, click Reshelve next to each title, or select multiple items and click Reshelve at the top of the list
- Send to Circulation Desk -- Does not apply to Los Rios unless there are multiple circulation desks affiliated within a single library.
- Send to Library -- For books received from other Los Rios libraries, click Transit next to individual titles, or select multiple items and click Transit at the top of the list
- Activate Next -- For items that have been requested by more than one patron, click Activate Next next to an individual title or select multiple items and click Activate Next at the top of the list. Tthe current request will be cancelled and a cancellation message sent to the current requestor. The item will be moved back to the Active Hold Shelf for the next patron on the list and you will have an option to print a new call slip.
If a request is canceled by a patron, it is marked as expired and appears on the Expired Hold Shelf. From the Expired Hold Shelf, select the "Reshelve" option and place the item back in the collection.
When an item’s expiration date is reached, it will appear on both the Active Hold Shelf and the Expired Hold Shelf until it is checked out or returned to the shelf. To manage expired holds go to: Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Expired Hold Shelf
Monitor Requests & Item Processes
All of the items currently in the Resource Request process are listed here and the facets on the left side of the screen can be used to zero in to specific stages of the process, or to request dates or library (whether owning library or pickup location).